In a victory for environmental justice, Senators Manchin and Schumer withdrew the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2022 (EISA) from the “must-pass” government funding bill-proposed permitting reform also known as the “dirty deal.” This deal would have gutted bedrock environmental laws, fast-tracked decades of fossil fuels projects, and forced approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

This happened because frontline communities took direct action, petitioned decision-makers, and collectively organized to kill this dirty deal. For now the vote on the deal has stalled, however Manchin and Schumer have promised to continue to move forward with “permitting reform.” Critical environmental protections are still under attack, and Manchin will likely attempt to revive the dirty deal in the coming weeks.

IEN will oppose any attempt to weaken environmental protections and force harmful extractive projects onto communities.

“I’m glad Manchin uncoupled his dirty side deal from the must pass budget bill, this proves the power of the people when we unite to fight against injustice. We must stay mindful that the industry will continue to target our communities and Tribal nations, putting profit before people, land and our water. They will continue to try and find ways to pass devastating legislation without input from the very communities, Tribes, or people who are most affected by the fossil fuel and mining companies. It’s a good win. However we stay vigilant and will continue the pressure to protect our people, land, water and Nations.” – Joye Braun, National Pipelines Organizer

“Killing Manchin and Schumer’s dirty deal is a huge victory. However, we can never stop putting pressure on leaders until the predatory fossil fuel industry is completely phased out, and we have a just transition into community-based, sustainable energy.” – Jordan Harmon, Policy Analyst/ Legislative Advocate


Indigenous Rising Radio

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