Sign this petition to tell President Obama to stop Keystone XL in its entirety. This means not only denying TransCanada a presidential permit to build the northern leg of their tar sands pipeline, but using his presidential powers to immediately halt construction of the southern leg of Keystone XL in Texas and Oklahoma.
If the southern leg of TransCanada’s pipeline is allowed to be completed, the fuse to the tar sands “carbon bomb” will be lit.
By signing this petition your name will be added to the comments below and sent to President Obama.
Show your solidarity with the landowners and activists fighting this pipeline by signing this petition today.
The Keystone XL Pipeline needs to be stopped in its entirely because:
- Completion of the southern leg of the Keystone XL would open the floodgates to tar sands exploitation in Canada by facilitating the flow of toxic tar sands from Alberta’s mine fields to the Texas Gulf Coast refineries.
- Keystone XL risks destroying more jobs than it creates.
- Keystone XL is being built as an export pipeline for Canada to sell its oil to foreign markets.
- Keystone XL violates tribal sovereignty and tramples on prive property rights of Americans.
- Keystone XL threatens to further poison the air of people living near tar sands oil refineries.
- Keyston XL jeopardizes the Ogallala Aquifer, source of one-third of America’s farmland irrigation water.
- Keystone XL endangers the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, which supplies water to more than 10 million Texans.